Saturday, April 16, 2016

Transformation Journey Day 1

Transformation Journey Day 1

My name is Joy Marino.  Welcome to my blog.  I am a mom of 6, a Veterinary Technician, an Author and a Coach.

Today I started on a journey.  For the sake of goal-setting, I will say it's a 90 day challenge.  But, in reality, it is the first chapter on a life-long journey.  A journey that will take me to highs and lows.  A journey that will have twists and turns, periods of euphoria and devastation.  After all, isn't that what life is?  A journey?

I created an introduction/Day 1 video to share a bit about this journey.  Let me tell you, I went WAY out of my comfort zone to do this video.  I have become very self-conscious over the past few years.  But, I know that in order to grow, there are pains to push through.

My transformation is not the typical "weight loss" journey.  It's about transforming my mental health as well as my physical health.  I started out this year with the intentions of becoming a Life Coach.  And, I began to target Mompreneurs.  I've spent many hours working on content, learning new techniques and implementing a great deal of concepts to help me get my message out to the world.'s all awesome, real-deal shit.'s not all of who I am.  I still felt something was missing.  Something that I needed to deal with before I could help others.  And, last night, while relaxing in the tub, I began to think.  See, water is my "thing"...meaning when I'm in contact with water, or even just sitting watching the ocean, my thoughts become productive, clear and progressive.  Ideas flow.  Clarity happens.  Motivation and inspiration strike.

I truly want to work as a Mindset coach.  But, there was more.  And, I targeted Mompreneurs because that's who I am.  I am a mom and an entrepreneur.  There are some crazy sets of challenges when you need to be 100% for your kids and 100% for your business.  And for all entrepreneurs, with or without kids there's also:  if you work outside the home, that's another 100%.  And, if you have a partner or spouse...and friends...all 100% too.

Anyway, I digress.  I do that often so you may want to just get used to it.  I've been referred to as a young Edith Bunker at times.  If you don't know who that're probably NOT in my age group.  LOL.  

So, my thought process went to this, and I'm summing it up here as best as I can (and in my video above, too):

I want to inspire and empower women who are "40-ish" to get mentally and physically fit.

My journey is going to be as real as it gets.  I'm no fitness guru.  I'm no "greens only" kinda gal.  I am not a nutritionist or a personal trainer.  I'm not allergic to gluten or a vegetarian.  I'm just a regular woman who needs to get her act together.

However, wherever my journey takes me is NOT where you are supposed to go.  This isn't about helping you lose 35 pounds like I plan to, or stop smoking or eating clean.  This is about me sharing the real shit I go through to get where I want to be before I'm too damn old to get anywhere at all.  Or, before some illness forces me to dramatically change my lifestyle.

In turn, it will undoubtedly inspire women to shoot after their OWN transformation journey.  I don't know if I can inspire 10 women or 10,000 women.  I don't know if I can make a living doing it, either.  But, once I realized that I wasn't doing what I needed for myself, that's when my focus shifted.  I'm no good to anybody if I drop dead from a stroke or get so depressed that I don't want to leave the house anymore.

How the hell can I help anyone like that?

So, my Day 1 video is up.  And...good, bad or ugly, I will be doing a daily video under 10 minutes to share what's going on, what my thoughts are and if I even got a second of exercise in that day.

Speaking of which, it is GORGEOUS here in Jersey!  So, after work today, I took the kids to the park and we had a ton of fun playing kickball.  I ran around with my kids...sometimes, really running my ass off...for almost an hour.  It felt great, but I think I'm a bit sore.  I will be tomorrow, that's for sure.

I also switched my sweetener to sucralose in my coffee this afternoon and chugged a bottle of water.

I used the only spare $1.27 I had to buy that since I forgot to fill a water bottle before I left work.

Oh yeah, I mentioned in the video...part of what I'm going to share is how when money is tight, I cope.  I drink tap water...OMG!!  And, I eat ramen noodles...yes, I said it.  I've had two cigs, just while I wrote this long-ass blog post AND I'm going to take a short nap.  It's been a long week, but it's Saturday night!  I'm not very healthy right now, but, that is the REALITY of life for some of us.  You don't always have the time or resources to do it "right" so...


A motto I say daily.  The part that makes the difference..."the BEST I CAN"  If you can eat better...DO it.  If you can skip that donut...DO IT.  If you can walk on your lunch break for 10 minutes....DO IT.

At the end of the day, you need to have peace in your mind, heart and soul that you did the best you could.  And, if you slipped off your plans, forgive yourself and get back on plan tomorrow.

I believe in myself.
I believe in you.
Hope you're rooting for me,
cause I'm rooting for you.


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