Wednesday, May 4, 2016

This Is A Test

This Is A Test


Life is full of tests.  I think that every day, we face some kind of test.  Whether it's to see if we are committed to what we believe or to who we love or a test of our character.  Everything in this life seems to be a test.

The other day, I was stressed.  An idea came to mind and all of a sudden I was running full force after that idea.  I literally dropped everything to pursue the concept.  It made total sense.  I did the web page, the email, the graphics, etc.  I was feeling like it was the right thing for me and it would yield the results I craved.

Then...BAM.  It hit me.

A traditional business is said to take 3-5 years to become profitable.  And, many businesses fail before they hit that mark.  I did the math, figured out the start-up costs and the business plan for the next 3-5 years.  I would work about 16 hours, trekking around town to make a couple hundred dollars a day.  I started to work on the schedule and realized that at no point would I be flexible enough to see my kids.  I believe in the idea, and I think it's a needed service in the area.


The one thing I want most in this world is to be a F/T work at home mom.  And, the concept I came up with created the exact opposite scenario.  It may put money in my pocket daily, but in the long run, I'd lose time with my kids.  And, when I calculated each child's age, plus 3-5 years of me barely seeing them...I CRIED.

Those calculations meant that 3 of my 5 children would be on to college or beyond.  I'd barely get any time with them then, that's for sure.  And, the youngest two, would be in school full time, one of them would be a teen!

Nope.  I was making a grave mistake.  It literally gave me chest pains.

So, I'm considering it a test.  Yes, I chased the shiny object for a couple of days.  But, when I sat back and really thought about the end result I wanted to create, I realized that the path I had been on just a few days ago, was the RIGHT one for me.  I would be able to provide a valuable service that is needed, and at the same time own my own business, create time and financial freedom, all while being the F/T mom I desire.

If you feel that the path you are on, isn't quite right....don't beat yourself up about it.  And, don't stay on that path.  Look at what end result you crave, desire, need, want...and find the path that leads to THAT end result.  It's only a test...and it's a learning & growing experience.

Create a life you love by allowing your passion and purpose to guide you to the path of your heart.


Your life is an occasion; rise to it!

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