Monday, April 18, 2016

Remember to be Grateful

Remember to be grateful every single day.

Today, I went back to working Mondays after a month of being off.  As much as I enjoyed the extra day off, it changed my paycheck in a couple of ways.

But, because of the new schedule, I was able to pick up my youngest son from school today.  He was surprised to see me and it was great having a few minutes one on one with him.

The weather was amazing so I was able to take the kids to the park and we had a really nice time.

There's a lot of other drama going on in my life right now, but I made sure I appreciated the beauty of the day, the benefit of a good job and the quality time I was able to spend with my kids.  And I just realized I didn't get to do my video for today so I will focus on catching up for tomorrow.

Whatever is going on...there's no reason you can't take a few minutes to be grateful.  My transformation journey is only on day 3, but I know I'm on the right track.

I believe in myself.
I believe in you.
I'm rooting for you,
hope you're rooting for me too.


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